Friday, February 10, 2012

Almond Waffles

So I am not a big fan of regular fozen waffles that you just sick in the toaster. Sometimes I

like them, sometimes I don't. Well today, I thought that i would have two. Well I randomly get

a thought, how can I make this taste better? So then I grab the almond flavoring and the

butter and powder sugar. I but a couple "slaps" of butter in a bowl and melt it for 25 seconds.

Then I put 1/4 tsp into the butter, mix it up and add a little more butter and microwave it for

15 seconds. Then the waffle is done in the toaster and I use a spoon and drizzle the melted

butter over the waffle. Then I add a few shakes of the powder sugar and boy, that first bite was

AMAZING! I love the flavor of almond so this just made my day! I found out how I can enjoy

these waffles every day!

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